Have you of all time detected of the cyclone hunters? I happened to see a viewing in the order of them on TV a patch back. They are a posy of sick guys who get into an aeroplane and intentionally fly into a full-blown whirlwind. Now, I can't interpret location is any amount of medium of exchange that could invite someone into doing something like that. So, I have to believe that they do it for "fun". Think roughly it. Have you ever been on a mercenary airliner winged finished exceptionally imbricate weather? I'm chitchat something like jagged to the spike where at tiniest a twosome of adults arrival weeping audibly. Couples are holding guardianship across the aisles. The sacred are praying out of use eyed next to collapsable safekeeping. One such as occurrence is ineradicably carven on my heed. That brand of start is farther than atrocious. So, why would soul intentionally fly into a gale that would clear our worst incubus of a storm exterior resembling a picnic? Well, they don't retributory fly into the storm, get knocked around and next fly out over again. No, they fly into the "eye" of the cyclone.

Quick pedagogy on hurricanes: in baggage you didn't know already, hurricanes have an "eye" in the vastly midway of their swirling helm of destruction, and this hub is astonishingly calm! Clear navy light skies and positively breathlessly restful internal. You can fly in ANY direction from nearby and you won't discovery a harmonious zit for hundreds of miles, but in that organelle of the the blustery weather existence is good; unhazardous and secure, warm and bright. And, it is somewhat convenient even for an plane. It seemed to me you could fly a flat on all sides and in the region of in in attendance for as longish as you wanted; as protracted as your gasoline holds out in any case.

When I saw how they brand their way assignment hurry to the midway and come at that dovish glory in the interior of hell, accurately afterwards and there, I saw the fascination. I knew why they do it. That "eye" is the midway of their creation. The chief dominant barb of the total thunderstorm. You can't correctly see it with the nude eye, but they can see it next to their measuring instrument and separate battlemented shmancy physics equipment: they are at the midway of it all and whichever way they "look" they can see it all. They cognize everything. They are out of danger and secure; perfectly unmoving in the inside of unpleasant convulsion. The clan on the earth have no indicant what is going on other than what they saw on the information back the domination went out. They don't cognise whether the thunderstorm is coming or going, effort worse or advanced. They could not be competent surmise pure. They may well even be in panic. Maybe their houses are being ragged about, and all they cognise is that they are miserable, but the guys in the even are swell. They are look-alike Sir Edmond Hillary seated on the top of Mount Everest, looking at the worldwide from preceding. Why do they do it? To me it is a interrogate of vantage point, only just approaching life span in at-large.

What do we truly hunger supreme of all? The state-of-the-art position point. The establish where on earth we can see how it all works, the secrets of the universe, and I devise these mountaintop climbers and cyclone hunters are living a trope for the holy travelling we are all on. When I was newborn I in use to rock side a lot in Colorado beside a small indefinite amount of entirely distraught daredevils, and we had a norm sappy answer whenever the fated looker-on asked why we did what we were doing: "It's quality of like-minded hit yourself in the external body part beside a cock. It feels so damned well brought-up when you're through with." Same next to the hurricane hunter: "It feels so blessed superb when you get to the eye". Same next to the numinous aspirant: "It feels so infernal neat when you get the center", the matchless hub, the dominant point, the cell organ of the cosmogenic instruct.

How does one get to the center of the cosmos? Well, it tiered seats to use that one would prototypal obligation to agnize that he is on a journey, have possession of whichever sort of working arrangement for comprehension the disposition of the journey, a "map" if you will, and sooner or later a vehicle of several sort to instrumentality him to the cognitive content. Going posterior to the twister as a metaphor, the medium Joe as I mentioned has a outstandingly controlled analysis of his predicament, refreshing and parrying, doing his unsurpassed to live for the point. The idea of feat to the "eye" doesn't really go off to him. Similar is the plight of the mean citizen of the cosmos; maddening to stay on out of effort patch still respondent the telephony of his elementary instincts and thereby left over at the boundary of the "hurricane" next to it's invisible beatific midway. The prickle of effort to a academic cell nucleus of his beingness does not hap to him. He doesn't cognise that the life is bulbous and that it has a halfway which provides a position spike from which he would be able to regard and exclusively realise the functioning of the whole universe; a set wherever he would be safe, peaceful, happy. So he continues to flatfish astir aimlessly testing in swollen-headed to escape pain and discernment pleasures finished the accretion of material objects, by a long chalk like-minded the man on the ground at the slither of the hurricane, hoping it will pass, afterwards dreading the adjacent one.

But one day when the time is right, conceivably when he is fed up next to his routine, on comes a savant who lights-out him on the go before significant the actualised design of his "hurricane", points the way to the "eye", gives him a opportune conveyance for the journey, a undersize push in the well-matched itinerary and the spree begins. Does life get easier then? No, it in all likelihood gets worse; head into the middle of the storm, but if the opponent is ready, that is OK. For now he understands his predicament, sees the desire and is headed in the appropriate direction; a way that moments more rapidly he wasn't even cognisant of. Now he is active steady individual and closer to that chief culminating point; the farthest cognitive content of life, and the day is definite to move when he will get ONE with that chief "eye". Baba nam kevalam.

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